Wednesday, October 3, 2012

{Review} UNREAL Candy Unjunked

I was recently selected by BzzAgent to try Unreal candies. 
My daughter has the ultimate sweet tooth,
so this was a perfect fit for the both of us to try.

When my BzzAgent kit came in, we grabbed the coupons and quickly ran to CVS to buy the candies.
(CVS is the only local place I've been able to find them at)
We purchased one of each of the five candies.

The one my daughter wanted to try first, was UNREAL 41. They are little chocolate candies, comparable to M&M's. We both liked the colorfulness of the packaging and the great colors of the candies. We both really enjoyed the taste of the candy as well. It's a little different than what we are used to, but given the added benefits of not having all the extra "junk", I'd say it's well worth it.  UNREAL 41 only has 19G of sugar, VS 31G of sugar M&Ms.

 We try to limit sweets in our household, but for that once-in-awhile treat, UNREAL candies are the way to go. 

You can check out the nutritional information HERE

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